Six Signs You’re Not Yet Ready to Resign
There are many good reasons to quit your job, and many articles stating multiple signs justifying these reasons are available online. You may find these relatable or even use such articles to push yourself or someone you know to quit a job. It’s not surprising, given that we are in a time when everyone, including yours truly, seems to be too tired or is experiencing burnout.
Unfortunately, not all signs lead to resignations. There are many reasons not to quit just yet, and that’s what we’re going to talk about. Here are signs that you are not ready to take the leap yet, and reasons why based on these signs, you should tough it out a bit longer:
You are experiencing emotional overwhelm

Never. Make. Big. Decisions. When. You. Are. Emotional.
Ignoring your emotions is bad for your health. However, you also don’t want it to be the center of your decision. We all know by now that letting our emotions get the best of us usually doesn’t end up nicely. Intense emotions rooted in anger, unhappiness, and frustration may lead us to make misguided decisions that we may regret later on. So instead of storming in your boss’ office and handing over your resignation letter hastily, go home and think it over. Try to identify these intense emotions that fill you to the brim and what triggers them. You may find a few issues that, when resolved, can make staying a viable option.
You can’t afford it

Not all of us have enough money in the bank to fund short-term joblessness and a job search that’s not only stressful but somehow costly, so if you’re planning to quit, check your savings first and remind yourself why you need the salary. You wouldn’t want to face the struggle of making ends meet.
Healthcare is also costly. If you quit your job without another lined up, you’ll be missing out on the luxury of having a decent benefits package. Aside from worrying about not having enough savings to continuously put food on the table, you’ll probably have to worry more about what happens next if you or a family member suddenly falls ill.
You need a break

Have you considered whether this urge to quit your job is all because you’re tired? Take a good rest. Unplug. For once, try to take control of your day and break the habit of being online all the time. This may help clear your head and keep you more grounded, relaxed, and relieved from stress and emotional exhaustion. Doing so can definitely lead you to make better decisions on what step you should take to improve your career.
You have no idea what you want next

You may be eager to quit your job, but what do you plan to do next?
When making such big decisions, make sure to contemplate what you really want because to quit a job just so you could move away from something you don’t want just doesn’t cut it. It’s your life and career that’s on the line; you’ll have to think realistically. Aside from the urge to quit, what else do you want? A career change? A different company to work for? Your own business? A break? Be specific about it so that when you finally take the leap, you know exactly what needs to be done for you to move forward.
You don’t have a backup plan

If you’re eager for a change of scenery, instead of looking for a job while you’re already unemployed, go for a confidential job search while you’re still hired. Doing so will give you leverage when it comes to negotiating terms and making demands. It also provides your prospective employers with an idea of your employability. So if you plan to quit, plan it well without taking the risk of being jobless and running out of funds.
No stable client base

Finally, if you plan to quit because you aim to start your own business and be your own boss, check your client base first and make sure that you have a reliable network. If you lack any of the two, then I suggest you postpone your resignation. Many small businesses struggle to survive because they lack recurring clients or a strategy to attract new ones, which are often their primary source of business and revenue. If you don’t want to go down that road, take the time to invest in rekindling your professional connections, building a stable client base, and creating strategies to get new clients.
If any of these rings true to you, then it might be better if hold off your plan to resign until you've established a solid safety net to fall back on. However, if you’re still going to push through with your resignation, remember to leave as gracefully as possible so you won’t burn any bridges.